We all struggle with the same things and there are just some of these tips that I say multiple times a week to different parents that come in and out of my office. With this mini-series, I want to share those tips with you as a podcast listener too! These are my greatest therapy hits […]
Parenting Teens in October 2021
Parents of teens— if your kids are having an even harder time than you expected, you are not alone. The trends we are seeing at Virginia Family Therapy highlight that this time is particularly rough on the middle and high schoolers, so we want to give you a few tools to help you and […]
Should Adults Drink in Front of Their Kids? – Part 1
Have you ever wondered if and how you should discuss your drinking with your kids? Or second-guessed whether your drinking behavior is still healthy? Join us in an open, honest, and non-judgmental conversation about healthy adult drinking and how to talk about it with your children. In a world where many people’s social lives revolve […]
Graduating During a Pandemic
Are you a college student graduating during a pandemic? Let’s talk about the struggle! Upcoming and recent graduates are facing a new reality. What do you do when a global pandemic uproots your future? Rather than being rewarded for hard work, you find yourself smack-dab in the middle of a country-wide recession and a major […]
Black History Month Resource Guide
It’s Black History Month, a time of reflection, remembrance, and celebration. Let’s honor the past, present, and future of Black Americans. Check out our resource guide with links for watching, reading, listening, and learning. A reminder to white readers: Black history doesn’t start February 1st and end February 28th. Black history is always in the […]
Feeling Anxiety About the New Year?
When I think about NYE, the first thing that comes to mind is attempting to make fun plans that almost always backfire on me. Who wants to wait for a 9 pm reservation at a restaurant then wander around in the cold in order to find the perfect spot to ring in the new year? […]
Mental Health During the Holidays
If you’re anything like me, you can begin to feel slightly more overloaded during the holidays emotionally and physically. It’s like being stuck in a massive time warp + college finals + feeling like you’re constantly forgetting something and next time you look at the calendar (and have recovered from the shockingly fast passage of […]
Falling Forward: How to work everyday on a positive response to change
It’s fall, ya’ll! Albeit, quite different from any fall I’ve ever experienced. With that said, Daylight Savings has hit and the shorter days are upon us, which will speedily be followed by the colder nights. I don’t know about you, but while fall is fabulous, it also represents the onset of a season that I […]
Learn to Live with Meaning in COVID Times
COVID, quarantine, 2020…when I hear those words I feel a weight on my chest. Sometimes, it feels like our lives are being held hostage. While we all try and navigate these unprecedented times, a lot of us are struggling with feelings of fear, anxiety, and loneliness. While there are many different viewpoints and opinions on […]
(434) 202-4080 | hello@virginiafamilytherapy.com
Administrative hours 9am-5pm
Clinician Hours 8am-8pm depending on Clinician
Active and Connected Families Podcast