Weathering winter during a pandemic is no mean feat, and many of us feel we are losing steam. Pssst, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It might not feel like it yet, but springtime is fast approaching. I’m talking tulips and daffodils, buds on trees, and the return of the bluebird! When I get the winter blues and even snow loses its charm, I look to spring.
Coming Together
For me, springtime spells more time with friends and family. During the chilly winter months, gathering safely with loved ones outside your pod can feel like more trouble than it’s worth. Meeting indoors—even with masks on—is risky, but meeting outdoors is too cold for comfort. I have seriously missed sitting in the sunshine and chatting for a couple hours (without my teeth chattering). Springtime opens the door to distanced picnics in the park, sunny strolls, and outdoor dining. Backyard happy hour > Zoom happy hour. Hooray!
Springtime, and the Living is Easy (-er)
What are your plans for spring? Are you going to start a new walking route? Plant a perennial that will reward you for years to come? Take a day-trip to that new winery? If you’re feeling down, I suggest making a list of all the things waiting around the corner for you, and set aside some time to dream. I’m dreaming about: a 70º day, a vase of fresh-cut flowers, a spring shower. That’s the stuff of life.
Keep On Keepin’ On
If you’re a vegetable gardener, you know that it’s time to start seeding your staples: tomatoes, peppers, kale, and cabbage… Springtime is all about growth and renewal, but it’s gotta start somewhere. When the days are short and the nights are cold, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we are always moving forward. Think of yourself as a germinating seedling weeks before the final frost—taking its time and making its steady way towards the sun.
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Active and Connected Families Podcast